東京事典 tokyo jiten

number of video entries



Up to 20 persons maximum may sign up for viewing the open recordings. Please note we may not be able to accept sign ups in case applications are already full. *To cancel your sign up, please take the necessary steps via the online form.

*Please note the following upon sign up
  • The audience may also be taped during the recordings. (Please do not sign up if you feel uncomfortable about this)
  • The topic of presentations may change without prior notice.

Thinking about 'Tokyo'

Tokyo Jiten was begun just after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami as an online video dictionary thinking about Tokyo from many different perspectives. Thus far over fifty artists, scholars and others have contributed short video entries to the dictionary. How can we think about 'Tokyo' today? How will those one hundred years from now see the social and cultural conditions of Tokyo now? Tokyo Jiten is a critical catalyst for thinking about these issues.

Tokyo Jiten Open Recordings Outline

Guest Presenters

Dates Guest Presenters

* Other than the guests, 3 participants from the general public will give presentation. To participate in the open recordings, please sign up here.

Schedule of each session