東京事典 tokyo jiten

東京事典は参加者と共に東京について語る世界で唯一のオンライン映像事典です。 Tokyo Jiten is a web dictionary made up of short video talks about Tokyo.

number of video entries


Sara Ouhaddou (Artist)

Tokyo’s Organs Lie in its Suburbs

Taro Izumi (Artist) 

Last Television *Re-recording

Hiroki Kehara (Artist)


Laureana Toledo (Artist)


Shinya Satoh (Architect / Associate professor, Department of Architecture. Nihon University College of Science and Technology)

Imaginary Line

Mei Kanematsu (Cultural anthropology)

The Application of Play

Takashi Usui (Director, Artist in Jidokan)

Tokyo as a Creative City

Yoshitaka Mouri (Associate Professor of Media Department of Musical Creativity and the Environment Tokyo University of the Arts / Sociologist)

The Town that Continues to Live

Koji Yoshikawa (Tokyo Art Research Lab Researcher)

Culture Creation

Meiro Koizumi (Artist)