

Tatsuhiro Kamisato

By the beginning of the 18th century the city of Edo (present-day Tokyo) already boasted the world’s largest urban population and it has continued to expand until today the Tokyo Metropolitan Area is the largest urban conurbation in the world, generating an annual wealth estimated to be approximately two trillion dollars. However, situated at the junction of four tectonic plates, it is also one of the most seismically active locations on the planet and at the critical point where these plates meet, Mt. Fuji soars over the surrounding area. Tokyo resembles a living creature, with a pulse consisting of repeated phases of destruction and reconstruction. In this event, I would like to look afresh at the cultural and natural conditions that define Tokyo in an effort to grasp an image of how it will appear in the near future.

Language: Japanese
Recording date: September 27th, 2012 (Thurs)

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